Business cards can sometimes be expensive, especially when the material used is really high quality. When that is the case, sometimes you might think 'why did i even bother with a business card when it seems more like an expense without returns?'
Well no need to worry. As how i see it, a business card is never an expense. It will all be worth it though if you put your business cards to good and full use.
Some of you might wonder what else can you do with a business card than for it to be none other than a business card?
The answer is a lot.
You can do a lot of things with a business card if you just try to think out of the box.
So what sort of things can a business card be--other than just a plain old business card?
- Flyer- i've extensively explained here how a business card can act as a flyer, poster--a tool for advertising in your neighborhood.
- Appointment Card-I've been seeing this a lot lately and it's not exactly uncommon anymore and it's definitely a good double-purpose for your business card.
- Promo card-Business cards that have a one time free massage is a great idea! One free massage will provide for a great way to get customers to try out how great your service which will make them come back for more.
- Bookmark - I know e-books are popular yet a lot of people still read books made of your traditional paper and ink.I saw this trick done once by a store that sells christian business cards. The business card was longer than the usual so it doubled as a bookmark for bibles as well.
- Mini-Calendar-You can have your business card printed with a small calendar on the back so it will be more useful to those who keep it (the more likey they are to keep your busines card and be reminded that 'hey, i should go get a massage from that place again!')
So far that's what I've come up with but I'm sure imagination and creativity is the limit and there are other really great ways to use your massage therapy business card.