Monday, October 25, 2010

How you can maximize the use of your Massage Therapy business cards

Sure, now you already have a business card that looks really great, it stands out and have all the needed details in them as well.
Now what?

Because that alone won't really cut it if you're looking to get something out of your business card such as advertisement and marketing pull. Better put those cards to work especially if you paid a great deal for them. (And yes business cards can serve as a form of advertisement. If you've never thought about them that way then it's time that you did! )

Even if you didn't pay a lot for  your business card it's still better to maximize the benefits you can get from having business cards other than as a piece of paper to hand to a potential client who you're talking to upfront.

So what exactly am i getting at here?

What I'm saying is that you should have your business cards at other places than your wallet, you should distribute it or put it in areas where there are potential clients.

One easy way to do it is to stick it just everywhere--car windshields, door fronts etc.

If you don't have a lot of business cards stocked though, you might want to just put it in a few strategic places such as a
restaurant, a cafe or at a gym reception area. Any store near you is good actually. You might want to ask them if you could put a business card holder with business cards in it near the cashier (the cashier is a very strategic place to put free stuff since people can just take it before they go or while the cashier is ringing your items.)

Another thing you would want to consider is to put your business card where you know the people who might be interested in your service will be. A good example of this is the gym as i have mentioned before. The gym are full of people who'd love a massage after a workout thus making them potentially more the kind of people who will be interested in taking your business card and then calling you for a massage the next time around (or in a better scenario call you right after they pick up your business card.)

So get that business card out there now and working for you. They might just be the cheapest and the best marketing tool for you yet.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to make your own massage therapy business card

When it comes to promoting your business, you will need good presentation and good service to back it up.
Provided you already have good service (and I'm sure you do,) what you need now is good promo presentation in order for potential client to get interested in getting your service.

Similar to a flyer, a business card in my opinion should serve more of less the same purpose. It should promote your business.
The difference is that there's more possibility of someone getting and accepting a business card than a flyer. (Most of them end up in the trash or littered on the street.)

So with that in mind, here are some more guidelines on how you should make a massage business card that will work as a contact card and as something that will help promote your business.

First off, we need to come up with a nice design so your business card is appealing enough for the client to want to keep it, the first few moments you give it to them.

So in this post I'm going to give you a few tips on what massage business cards should and should not look like.

Specifically, to Massage therapy business cards, you have to keep careful watch that your business card should not
look anything that conveys disturbance or discomfort.
You are promoting a business where people want to be soothed, relaxed and refreshed so go for themes that convey that feeling so the following are useful to remember when you make your own business card.
  • Pastel colors are good for conveying relaxation.
  • Soft pinks, purples and powder blue colors are great for subtly cuing on relaxation.
  • Avoid shocking and loud colors that look stressing to the eye.
  • Use flowing and soft curves as those kinds of shapes look more soothing that jagged edges or spikes.
  • Designs of pictures pertaining to nature like the sky, a tranquil forest or a calm body of water can also be used.
  • As with anything in business, good tag line also helps.

Take the picture above as an example.
Doesn't it look soothing and relaxing?


If you examine the picture, you'll see that most of the design elements i mentioned: soft curves, pastel colors and themes from nature are there. This is just an example of course but once you go by the guidelines I'm sure you can create something as nice as this.
Lastly, the way you approach the person and talk to them matters!
Massage is a service and how you approach a client will leave an impression on them. You don't want to get a massage from someone who is not amiable right? Somehow it doesn't bode well. But if you're pleasant and warm when when you approach potential customers, they will feel more at ease and more willing to give your service a shot.