Friday, January 14, 2011

A Good Example of A Good Massage Business Card

The layout is simple and refreshing to look at and the back is utilized very wisely as a gift certificate.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Free business cards templates

Since I've mentioned before about websites with free business card templates and how some of you might not want to print your own business card at home, i thought that I'd make a more extensive post about it.

And on in this one I'll list and then review some of the printing service sites that offer free business card templates and samples for massage therapy.

Some of these sites also offer online business card design makers--kind of like an online software or program that you can use to design your own business card. The catch is of course you have to print it using their service but then some of you who don't have the time or sufficient know how to print your own business card at home; or if you're looking for a more professional feel that you can't acheive with a home made one.

Anyway, let's start!

123 Print
The  business cards rates are as low as $3.95 for 100 cards . Free business card photo and logo uploads and they have a wide and good selection of business card templates.

A known printer service but i've heard some complaints regarding their service but they offer free business cards promos (the selection for their free template designs are okay too)  and their rates go for per 250 premium cards too $8.99.

The best site so far out of all those I've mentioned. You can fully customize your business card and they have a category especially for massage business cards. Individuals offer their designs and some of them have really good designs. Some of the best I've seen around.

Overnight Print

They print business cards for as low as $1.98 for 25 pieces (an estimated $7.92 per 100 pieces) . Delivery is within 3 days.You can also request for free business card samples from them.

They offer free samples. 250 prints (glossy from what i understand) for $24 (estimated $10.40 per 100 pieces). They make deliveries within 2-6 days depending on whether you pay for prioritization.

Businesscard land
This site has a business card maker but the designs are pretty limited and it's not exactly fine tuned for massage therapy, but you can still use the designs for your massage therapy business card.

Bizcard Creator
Better than the Business card land card maker since it offers you more and colored choices for your your background and fonts. They have some business card background images that you can use for your massage therapy business card. But like Business card land it's not exactly custom made for massage therapy.
500 peices for $50 (comparatively $10 per 100). 4/4 full color back to back with UV Gloss

Los Angeles Printing Service
I thought this one was unique from the other printing services.
It's based in LA so from there and a big fan of eco-friendly products, Los Angeles printing service says they'll be willing to print for any paper stock. They recycle their paper from paper scraps from previous print jobs and use soy/vegetable based inks. Free proof before you pay and free paper sample kits.

For those of you who want to share your reviews on a particular printing service, feel free to just comment on this post!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Massage therapy Business Cards Sample

I've been talking all about massage therapy business cards here forever and it just doesn't seem right that I'm talking about them but not really posting actual pictures of them!
And so I dedicate this post to showing you images of really nice massage therapy business cards.
I hope that by seeing these you'll get inspired to get a business card or make one yourself.

I like this one for it's nice muted colors. It's very pleasing and relaxing to the eye.
I believe ellicit concepts made this.

This one was taken from Zazzle. From BusinessCardDesigns.

An example of using your business card as an appointment card as well. I've also talked about that in this post and so this is a good example of having multiple uses your massage therapy business card

Another design by BusinessCardDesign store at Zazzle.

This one is a business card made for not exactly a massage therapist but a Chiropractor which is a closely related field to massage therapy. This one is by Ballistic Arts Media Studio.

Another design by BusinessCardDesign over at Zazzle!

This one is from grid and squiggles. She really has great designs as well.

A more punk-ish looking design by BusinessCardDesign.

A perfect example of what i was talking about earlier in this post about using your massage therapy business card as a promo card. I got this one from zazzle as well.

This one was taken from zazzle also. Zazzle in my opinion really does have some of the great designs where you don't have to pay a large amount or hire someone to make a business card for you.

Well that's it, I'll be posting more images or really nice massage therapy later on and i hope you enjoyed this one :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips on Cheap Massage Therapy Business Card Printing, Free Templates and others

I'm a fan of saving on my expenses and one of the best way to do that is to do something your self!

Doing something your self (in this case, your own business card) has a lot of advantages:
1)You control what you do so it turns out the exact way you want it.
2)You save on money (instead of out-sourcing the job to someone else)
3)You end up with a business card that is a direct expression of your self. (Since you are one making your own massage therapy business card and you know your business best, what it's about, what it stands for, who else could be the best interpreter of all those into a business card than you?)

If you are a beginner and have not made a business card for yourself before, then you'll need some tips on how to make your own business card. Here are some of mine:
  • Starting out, you will need a design most of all. If you already have a logo, that's great! If not then you might want to design one or just get a picture that will make a nice background. The back of this business card is a good example.
  • Draw inspiration from looking at other business cards. Type in massage therapy business cards in Google and see how other people are making their business cards.
  • Read my tips here on designing business cards! :)
  • When printing time comes you can opt to print your own business card at home instead of going to a printing service. (If you don't know how to go about that this article on how to print business cards on a computer might help you .)
  • Search for free business card templates. Not exactly DIY but you'll save money. This is a good option for people who do not enjoy designing business card or just simply doesn't have the time to. Simply Google free business card templates or better yet go here, for  some pre-designed, free templates.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Multiple purposes for massage therapy business card

Business cards can sometimes be expensive, especially when the material used is really high quality. When that is the case, sometimes you might think 'why did i even bother with a business card when it seems more like an expense without returns?'

Well no need to worry. As how i see it, a business card is never an expense. It will all be worth it though if you put your business cards to good and full use.

Some of you might wonder what else can you do with a business card than for it to be none other than a business card?
The answer is a lot.
You can do a  lot of things with a business card if you just try to think out of the box.

So what sort of things can a business card be--other than just a plain old business card?
  • Flyer- i've extensively explained here how a business card can act as a flyer, poster--a tool for advertising in your neighborhood.
  • Appointment Card-I've been seeing this a lot lately and it's not exactly uncommon anymore and it's definitely a good double-purpose for your business card.
  • Promo card-Business cards that have a one time free massage is a great idea! One free massage will provide for a great way to get customers to try out how great your service which will make them come back for more.
  • Bookmark - I know e-books are popular yet a lot of people still read books made of your traditional paper and ink.I saw this trick done once by a store that sells christian business cards. The business card was longer than the usual so it doubled as a bookmark for bibles as well.
  • Mini-Calendar-You can have your business card printed with a small calendar on the back so it will be more useful to those who keep it (the more likey they are to keep your busines card and be reminded that 'hey, i should go get a massage from that place again!')

So far that's what I've come up with but I'm sure imagination and creativity is the limit and there are other really great ways to use your massage therapy business card.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How you can maximize the use of your Massage Therapy business cards

Sure, now you already have a business card that looks really great, it stands out and have all the needed details in them as well.
Now what?

Because that alone won't really cut it if you're looking to get something out of your business card such as advertisement and marketing pull. Better put those cards to work especially if you paid a great deal for them. (And yes business cards can serve as a form of advertisement. If you've never thought about them that way then it's time that you did! )

Even if you didn't pay a lot for  your business card it's still better to maximize the benefits you can get from having business cards other than as a piece of paper to hand to a potential client who you're talking to upfront.

So what exactly am i getting at here?

What I'm saying is that you should have your business cards at other places than your wallet, you should distribute it or put it in areas where there are potential clients.

One easy way to do it is to stick it just everywhere--car windshields, door fronts etc.

If you don't have a lot of business cards stocked though, you might want to just put it in a few strategic places such as a
restaurant, a cafe or at a gym reception area. Any store near you is good actually. You might want to ask them if you could put a business card holder with business cards in it near the cashier (the cashier is a very strategic place to put free stuff since people can just take it before they go or while the cashier is ringing your items.)

Another thing you would want to consider is to put your business card where you know the people who might be interested in your service will be. A good example of this is the gym as i have mentioned before. The gym are full of people who'd love a massage after a workout thus making them potentially more the kind of people who will be interested in taking your business card and then calling you for a massage the next time around (or in a better scenario call you right after they pick up your business card.)

So get that business card out there now and working for you. They might just be the cheapest and the best marketing tool for you yet.