Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tips on Cheap Massage Therapy Business Card Printing, Free Templates and others

I'm a fan of saving on my expenses and one of the best way to do that is to do something your self!

Doing something your self (in this case, your own business card) has a lot of advantages:
1)You control what you do so it turns out the exact way you want it.
2)You save on money (instead of out-sourcing the job to someone else)
3)You end up with a business card that is a direct expression of your self. (Since you are one making your own massage therapy business card and you know your business best, what it's about, what it stands for, who else could be the best interpreter of all those into a business card than you?)

If you are a beginner and have not made a business card for yourself before, then you'll need some tips on how to make your own business card. Here are some of mine:
  • Starting out, you will need a design most of all. If you already have a logo, that's great! If not then you might want to design one or just get a picture that will make a nice background. The back of this business card is a good example.
  • Draw inspiration from looking at other business cards. Type in massage therapy business cards in Google and see how other people are making their business cards.
  • Read my tips here on designing business cards! :)
  • When printing time comes you can opt to print your own business card at home instead of going to a printing service. (If you don't know how to go about that this article on how to print business cards on a computer might help you .)
  • Search for free business card templates. Not exactly DIY but you'll save money. This is a good option for people who do not enjoy designing business card or just simply doesn't have the time to. Simply Google free business card templates or better yet go here, for  some pre-designed, free templates.

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